A mixed-age classroom is one in which children of different ages sit and work together.

At Flourish, our classrooms are called “Studios” and we divide them as follows:

  1. Elementary Studio
    For our learners in grades 1 – 5. (We don’t have grades – but for the sake of explanation, it helps to have parity with traditional schools).
  2. Middle School Studio
    For learners in grades 6 – 8.
  3. LaunchPad Studio
    For learners in grades 9 – 12.

Learners of different ages can learn together because, for subjects like core-skills (Math, Reading & Writing), all learning is self-paced and work on their own goals for these subjects (no one-size-fits-all blackboard teaching).
All other subjects such as science, technology, history, geography, etc. are offered via hands-on projects in which the learners are divided into groups and work together.

A tremendous amount of learning takes place, and leaders emerge (exactly like in real life) when people of different ages interact – which a traditional school cannot replicate easily.