Our Reading List for 2021

At Flourish, we believe that developing a love for reading, is essential to our learner’s journey to find their calling. At the studio, our learners will participate in our D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read) sessions daily. They pause whatever

Studio Sneak Peek for 2021

We had a lovely time opening our studio to our 6 young learners yesterday (Sat, 27th of Mar 2021). We invited our Eagles to come and help put together the furniture they will be using and it was a

Learning in the times of COVID

Children learning during the quarantine? It is tricky. As parents, the quarantine has thrown us into this unimaginable situation in which we find ourselves responsible for all our children's learning. Where do we begin? How do we approach this?

  • An Adventure

A Letter to a Parent

Hi Anita, Thank you for showing interest in our school – Flourish. We offer an alternative schooling experience based in Pune, Maharashtra. To put it simply, we are a learner-driven, one room, mixed-age schoolhouse. Before I share our philosophy

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